Family Law Seminars and Events


Public Law Seminar

The Public Law Children's team hosted a seminar at The Crowne Plaza - The City

Oxfordshire Financial Remedies Seminar

The money practitioners at 4PB hosted a seminar at the Oxford Thames Four Pillar Hotel.

Financial Remedy Half Day Conference

Really Important areas in Financial Remedies where you just have to be up to speed: A presentation from 4PB

1996 Hague Convention Seminar

The half day seminar looked at the 1996 Hague Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures from Protecting Children, which was expected to be implemented on 1st August 2012.The 1996 Convention covers a wide variety of matters although practitioners will note a considerable similarity between aspects of the 1996 Convention and BIIR. The Convention makes provision for: Ascertaining which country has jurisdiction based on habitual residence - Determining which country's laws are to be applied- Recognition and Enforcement of orders between states- A framework for the exchange of information and collaboration between administrative authorities. The Convention will be of particular impact in cross-border custody and contact cases, in child abduction cases and in cross-border placements of children.

Alternative Families Seminar – "The Kids Are All Right"

This seminar addressed the Legal and Psychological issues and persectives that arise from Alternative Family cases. Recent cases A v B and C [2012] EWCA Civ 285 and T v T (Joint Residence) [2010] EWCA Civ 1366 [2011] 1 FCR 267, were discussed by leading Barristers Sam King and Charles Hale and a Consultant Psychiatrist, Dr Claire Sturge, who is a recognised expert in the field.
The seminar took place on 24th May at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, London the City (Blackfriars)

Should I Stay or Should I go now?

'Should I stay or Should I go now?' is the title of the 4 Paper Buildings Private Law seminar which was held on 24th November.  The varied panel of speakers addressed the current issues relating to Relocation.

We were delighted that Lord Justice Thorpe was able to join us at the event and address the audience as well as take questions.

Baroness Scotland QC chaired the seminar, and talks were given by Lord Justice Thorpe,  Joy Brereton, and a Relocation, Relocation, Relocation role play with 4PBs very own Kirste (Catherine Wood QC) and Phil (Alex Verdan QC).