Family Law Seminars and Events

At 4PB we know how important it is to stay up to date. We are pleased to offer a range of talks and seminars in all areas of family law and court of protection.

Members are available to attend solicitor premises, and local authorities for either internal department based presentations, or at larger client orientated functions. Talks and family law seminars can be tailored to meet any specific needs.

We also run our own conferences from time to time. Details of Chambers seminars and how to book will be published here.

Events Archive


Public Children Law – Local Authority Training for SLLP.

The Public Children Law team are delivering a series of webinar training sessions aimed at local authority lawyers and social care workers for the South London Legal Partnership.

4PB International Child Abduction Seminar

The seminar includes lectures from Mr Justice Williams, Reunite, John Power of CAFCASS High Court Team (speaking in a personal capacity) and various members of 4PB.

4PB & BLM Family Law Seminar


4PB International Finance Seminar

The seminar will include talks on current issues in International Finance

4PB International Child Abduction Seminar

Lectures from Mr Justice Williams, ICACU, Reunite & Members of 4PB

4PB Private Client Conference 2017: Contemporary Issues in International and Domestic Family Law

Tangled Webs: Mental Health and Vulnerability, Media Intrusion and Money