A Practical Guide to the Participation of Children in Family Law Proceedings

16th August 2024


Mani Singh Basi

This book will provide a practical overview to enable practitioners working within the family law system to properly address the issue of children participation in family law proceedings. In particular, this book will consider the various ways in which children can directly or indirectly participate in family law proceedings and the necessity of such participation in light of recent case law developments. Further, the book will also consider the duties that lawyers and other professionals have when it comes to children participation.

In the book, there will be chapters considering children participation across the following areas of the law: private law disputes, public law matters, cases concerning child abduction and the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court. Further, the book will consider a number of topical issues relating to the scope and necessity of welfare reports in different areas of family law, the involvement of the local authority in undertaking assessments, the issue of separate representation, children meeting the judge, the role of guardians as well as an overview of the current family procedure rules, legislation and case law.

This book will consider a number of practical issues that practitioners are often faced with when managing cases and when dealing with evidential issues concerning children. The book will assist practitioners in enabling them to best present their case from the outset of proceedings, all the way to the end of the case, across all the relevant areas of family law. The book specifically considers public, private and international (Hague and non-Hague) proceedings.


Mani Singh Basi

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