
Liverpool Law Society

Christopher Hames QC and Michael Edwards are speaking today about the 1996 Hague Convention at the Liverpool Law Society.


Hassan Khan

We are delighted to announce that Hassan Khan has been appointed as Legally Qualified Chair and Legal Assessor to the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service.


Faith Dispute Mediation

We are pleased to announce that Nicola Wallace has been accredited as a Faith Dispute Mediator, following successful completion of a 40 hour Faith Disputer Resolution course, with BIMA Mediation.


Gresham Lecture

Jo Delahunty QC will chairing the Gresham Lecture “The Family Courts – Are we doing it justice?” on 5th April 2017


Impact of Brexit on Family Law

The House of Lords Justice Committee has published its report on the impact of Brexit on Family Law. David Williams QC and Jacqueline Renton gave evidence to the Committee. The Committee refer to and adopt a number of the concerns expressed by David and Jacqueline


Witness Training

Once more 4 PB, organised by Sally Bradley, joined forces with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in training paediatricians in procedure and the giving of evidence in the family courts. Lord Justice McFarlane gave an impressive closing address about the vital role treating clinicians and medical experts play in the court process. The RCPCH described it as the best training day yet. Many Thanks to all those from chambers who participated