
Teertha Gupta QC

Teertha Gupta QC is chairing a workshop at the Taj Bengal in Kolkata, India today. The workshop involves therapists and medical professionals on “Attraction, Addiction and Abuse -Relationships beyond Institutional frames”.


Lawyers in Europe Conference

Teertha Gupta QC and Christopher Hames QC are speaking at the Lawyers in Europe Conference on parental child abduction, being held at Harnack-Haus in Berlin.


Egeneonu v Egeneonu

Judgment was handed down today by the President in Egeneonu v Egeneonu[2017] EWHC 43 (Fam) where Alistair Perkins and Christopher Hames QC appeared on opposing sides. The judgment is the first family case to consider whether or not findings of civil contempt amount to criminal offences for extradition purposes. The President also provides important analysis of the wardship jurisdiction.


Child Arbitration

Alex Verdan QC carried out the first 4PB Arbitration concerning a child welfare issue today.


HHJ Simon

Congratulations to Michael Simon who was made a circuit Judge today.  HHJ Simon will sit at Blackfriars Crown Court.


Cyrus Larizadeh QC

Congratulations to Cyrus Larizadeh QC who has been appointed Chair of the Children  Committee of the Family Law Bar Association with effect from January 2017