
Behind the Gown

Jo Delahunty QC will be on the panel at the ‘Behind the Gown: Ending Harrasment at the Bar?’ event this evening. You can book your place here.


Jacqueline Renton

Jacqueline Renton is giving expert evidence today to the House of Lords EU Justice-Sub Committee as to the impact on UK-EU Civil justice cooperation post Brexit.


Sam Woodham

Samantha Woodham has written a piece for The Times with regards to the Owens case in the Supreme Court – Marriage breakdown is just a fact of life — it’s time the courts recognised this.


Stephen Lyon

Stephen Lyon, is quoted in the The Times today in respect of the Owens case in the Supreme Court.

“It’s a fact of life that couples fall out of love and relationships break down – having to scan back through a marriage and find examples of bad behaviour can exacerbate the divorce and turn an already hard time into a much more fraught one. It’s time our courts recognised that and hauled divorce law into the 21st century.”


Charles Hale QC

Charles Hale QC is speaking today about ‘Current International Aspects of Family Finance’ at the Bloomsbury Professional Family Law Conference.


Andrew Powell

Andrew Powell will be attending the American Bar Association Family Law Conference in Nashville this week, and will be moderating a panel discussion on international relocation cases.