Do divorces always have to be stressful?
Nicholas Fairbank writes for Spears Magazine about the more palatable alternatives to the hostile litigations couples often face in divorce.
White Paper Conference
Christopher Hames QC is speaking at the White Paper Conference today on the subject of Reasonable Needs: ‘What are the golden rules of how to challenge a spouse’s monthly budget on the grounds of reasonable need? What evidence do you require? What will sway the court? How do you gain and edge?’
[2018] UKSC 32
The Supreme Court handed down their Judgment in the Case of R (on the application of Steinfeld and Keiden) (Appellants) v Secretary of State for the International Development (in substitution for the Home Secretary and the Education Secretary) (Respondent). Rhiannon Lloyd comments on the judgement in The Daily Express
Cyrus Larizadeh QC
Cyrus Larizadeh QC has been invited by the Attorney General of Anguilla and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to review their draft Child Protection Bill 2018. He will also be addressing members of the Assembly, safeguarding agencies, lawyers and the judiciary at the Justice Reform Conference in Anguilla on 22 June 2018. His lecture ‘Child Protection in Anguilla – A New Dawn’ will be available on the 4 PB website in due course.
Sam Woodham
Samantha Woodham is quoted in an article for the Financial Times today on ‘Ten things you ought to know about getting divorced.’
Charles Hale QC
‘Deception, Forgery and Lies – Hiding Assets In A Divorce.’ Charles Hale QC writes an article for Wealth Briefing.