
Special Advocate

Congratulations to Michael Edwards on his appointment by the Attorney General as a Special Advocate.


Queen’s Counsel Appointment

We are delighted to announce that Sam King has been approved as Queens Counsel.  The Silk ceremony will take place Monday 26th February.


Re M (A Child) 2017

Catherine Wood QC was successful in the Court of Appeal yesterday in the case of Re M (Child).


Legal 500 Awards

Congratulations to Teertha Gupta QC who is the winner of Legal 500 Family Silk of the Year Award.


Family Law Awards 2017

We are delighted to announce that at the Jordan’s Publishing 2017 Family Law Awards the 4PB team won a record four awards.

  • 4PB – Family Chambers of the Year
  • Henry Setright QC – International Lawyer of the Year
  • Indu Kumar – Young Family Barrister
  • Mr Hon Justice Williams – won Family QC of the year

Legal 500 Awards

We are delighted to be shortlisted for five different Legal 500 2018 UK awards. The shortlists is as follows:

4PB – Family Set of the Year.
Jo Delahunty QC and Teertha Gupta QC – Family Silk of the Year
Dorothea Gartland – Family Junior if the Year
Michael Reeves – Senior Clerk of the Year