
Temple Women’s Forum

Jo Delahunty QC and Sam King QC are speaking today at the Temple Women’s Forum: It’s Never Too Early…To think about applying for Silk.


IAFL Conference

Charlotte Baker and Adele Cameron-Douglas have both received grants from the International Legal and Professional Development Grant programme (funded by the FLBA and the Bar Council) to attend the IAFL Conference in New York in April 2018. The conference, focussing on international family law concepts and practice, will include speakers from throughout the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe and South America.


Alex Verdan QC and Michael Edwards

Alex Verdan QC and Michael Edwards are representing LB Sutton in the Inquest into the death of Ellie Butler, which starts on Monday 12 March 2018. The Inquest is listed to last for 2 weeks.


Re S:

Jacqueline Renton and Charlotte Baker represented the father in his appeal to the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal is expected to give guidance as regards applications for ‘chasing orders’ under the wardship jurisdiction when a child has been abducted to another state which is a signatory to the Hague Convention 1980.


Samantha King QC

Congratulations to Samantha King QC who takes her Silk appointment today.


Re C 2018 UKSC 8

The UK Supreme Court has today handed down judgment in Re C 2018 UKSC 8. All seven Counsel involved in the case are from 4PB.

The appeal was allowed by a majority decision. The case is a landmark decision in the field of international children law, domestically and internationally, as it establishes that:  (a) that repudiatory retention is a legally binding principle in Hague Convention 1980 proceedings and (b) an application for return will fail if the child concerned has become habitually resident in the requested state before any wrongful removal or retention occurs.