
First 100 Years

Jo Delahunty QC joins Funke Abimbola MBE, Christina Blacklawslaw & Sally Boyle in discussion with Lucinda Acland on the First 100 Years Podcast.


Sperm donors deserve automatic recognition as fathers

Samantha King QC and Mark Harper from Hughes Fowler Carruthers write for The Brief Online on the Law Commission’s proposals on surrogacy reform & the chance to extend the law to allow a child to have more than two legal parents.


Rhiannon Lloyd

Rhiannon Lloyd writes an article for Female First on ‘Can the court discriminate against a breadwinner when it comes to divorce?’


Christopher Hames QC

Christopher Hames QC writes for The Money Pages where he considers what you need to know regarding pensions if you and your spouse were to divorce https://www.themoneypages.com/retirement-pensions/divorce-pensions-need-know/


Cyrus Larizadeh QC

Cyrus Larizadeh QC is the opening speaker today in Hamilton on Children Law Reform as part of the Cafcass Delegation at the invitation of the Attorney General of Bermuda. He is assisting the Bermuda Government with transitional arrangements for the Lanzarote Convention.


Charity Quiz Night

Nicola Wallace collaborated with Blake Morgan Solicitors on 16th May in a Charity Quiz night, raising funds for Oxford Children’s Hospital.  Fully supported by members and staff of 4PB, the evening raised over £4,000 for the charity, who are now in a position to purchase much needed high tech video conferencing equipment.