
Coronavirus Update: Remote and electronic working

Having had a chance to consider and digest the President’s Guidance, as well as the documents circulated by Mr Justice Mostyn and Mr Justice MacDonald, we wanted to let you know what we, at 4PB, are doing to assist with the smooth running of cases over the next few months: Click here.


Guidance – Remote Access Family Courts

Remote Access Family Court paper issued today by Mr Justice MacDonald. To read the full and comprehensive paper, please click here.


Interim Procedures for Central London Family Court, East London Family Court and West London Family Court

Follow the link below to see the interim procedures that will apply for hearings in Private and Public Family Law cases for Central, East and West London DFJ areas.


President’s Guidance For Remote Hearings

Please see link below for the just released guidance from the President which gives the green light to remote hearings in family cases.


COVID 19 Update- 4PB Facilities


Coronavirus Update: Our working practices and committment to you