
Julia Townend writes about the Domestic Abuse Bill and the opportunity to protect the vulnerable.


4PB Members in the Court of Appeal today.

4PB members appear in the Court of Appeal, REMOTELY, in a case about the return of a child from Algeria under the inherent jurisdiction. Teertha Gupta QC leading Cliona Papazian for the Appellant and Ruth Kirby, leading Michael Edwards for the respondent.


Cyrus Larizadeh QC

Cyrus Larizadeh QC joins CLA President Brian Speers and John McKendrick QC to discuss “How Covid-19 is effecting the administration of justice and the presentation of courts.”

Click here to watch the full video.


Court of Appeal decision on the vaccination of children in care.

Court of Appeal decision reflects a sea change in the approach to the vaccination of children in local authority care overturning an earlier line of authority that treated vaccination as a “grave” and “serious” issue.


Review of possible surrogacy law reform in England & Wales

In a two part series Dorothea Gartland  writes for EPrivate Client, a publication aimed at top professional advisers, on the Government’s consultation and possible law reform of surrogacy law in England & Wales. Looking at parentage from birth to the prohibitions on surrogacy advertising, the reforms provide hope of real change and a legal system which reflects modern society in this area.


4PB Financial Remedy Team providing expert out of court family dispute resolution.

The 4PB Financial Remedy Team continues to offer the following services to facilitate court hearings and to continue our provision of expert out of court family dispute resolution.