
4PB Welcomes 2021/22 pupil cohort to Tenancy

4PB are delighted to announce both Olivia Gaunt and Katherine Broger Bareham, our 2021/ 2022 pupil cohort have successfully completed their pupillage and join us as tenants as of 3rd October 2022.

Join us in congratulating, them both.


Kent Resolution Family Law Day

Chris Barnes, Charlotte Baker and Ralph Marnham delivered a talk at the Kent Resolution Family Law Day on Friday 1st September 2022. The talk provided a children case update alongside a focus on internal and International relocation cases. The panel also take a look at ‘Domestic Abuse in the Family Courts’ and ‘Controlling and Coercive Behavior’.

Charlotte Baker writes an article for Resolution, The Review, on ‘Controlling and coercive
behavior: looking beyond the label’. Charlotte looks at what it means to prepare cases where there are allegations of controlling and coercive behavior and the time, resources, and considerable care required.



4PB delighted with 2023 Legal 500 Rankings

4PB are delighted to have been ranked Tier 1 by the Legal 500 for the 7th year in a row in Children Law: Public/Private. 85% of our Silks are ranked, 35% of which ranked Tier 1. Juniors have also done superbly well with 36% ranked and two Rising Stars.

We are also proud of our top tier Finance team, 35% of whom have been ranked in Divorce and Financial Remedy. 



Nicola Wallace provide a workshop at the Family Mediators Association

Nicola Wallace delivered a workshop at the annual Family Mediators Association Conference, that took place at Kings College London on 29th September 2022. The workshop focused on interface between ‘Family Law & Mediation….coming out of the shadows. Diffusing and de-escalating conflict: theory and practice.’


4PB launches new Parental Leave Policy

4PB are proud of our new Parental Leave Policy recently launched. The policy ensures members pay no rent to chambers during a period of full parental leave up to 12 months and for a further 12 months after their return.

This is one of the most progressive parental leave policies at the Bar and is an example of the continued commitment at 4PB to supporting parents to advance and develop their careers at the Bar.



Queen Elizabeth II 1926 – 2022

4PB join with colleagues across the legal professions in mourning the loss of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II.