Kieran Ball writes for Wealth Briefing
Kieran Ball comments in Wealth Briefing on a ruling by the Supreme Court against a claim to pursue financial relief during or after divorce when a spouse has died.
To read the article in full click here.
Baljinder Bath write for Local Government Editors
Baljinder Bath writes for Local Government Editors on the deprivation of liberty laws and how they are not fit for purpose in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children.
To read the article in full click here.
Jacqueline Renton and Mani Basi successfully defend 1980 Hague Convention case
Jacqueline Renton, leading Mani Singh Basi successfully defended a 1980 Hague Convention case in Z v Z [2023] EWHC 1673. In particular, the case was successfully defended on a) wrongful retention b) habitual residence and c) Article 13b.
The case provides useful guidance on these exceptions to a summary return.
To read the full judgment click here.
Joy Brereton KC and Frankie Shama successful in Court of Appeal
Joy Brereton KC and Frankie Shama were successful on behalf of the appellate mother in the Court of Appeal in a case regarding a Judge’s assessment of the ability of a child to instruct their own solicitor.
12 Members of 4PB in the Court of Appeal
12 members of 4PB, Ruth Kirby KC, Adele Cameron Douglas, Miriam Best, Mark Jarman KC, Mani Singh Basi, Chris Hames KC, Indu Kumar, Charlotte Baker, Henry Setright KC, Harry Langford, Michael Gration KC and Michael Edwards are in the Court of Appeal today in a joint appeal of Re D and Re KR. The joint appeals consider important evidential issues relating to 1980 Hague Convention proceedings.
Mani Singh Basi on Qualified Legal Representatives, in The Guardian.
In an article published in The Guardian today, Mani Singh Basi alongside the President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew MacFarlane, comment on the use of ‘Qualified Legal Representatives’ and the challenges faced.
To read the article in full click here.