
Mani Singh Basi writes for Resolutions Review

Writing for Resolutions Review, Mani Singh Basi provides tips for practitioners, ‘Dealing with habitual residence in child abduction cases’.

To read the article in full click here.


Rachel Chisholm shortlisted for 2023 Resolution Awards.

Congratulations to Rachel Chisholm who has been shortlisted with The Mediation Space for two awards, Innovation and Working in Collaboration at the inaugural 2023 Resolution Awards.

See the full shortlist here.


Chris Barnes and Charlotte Baker write for IFLJ

In an article for the International Family Law Journal, Chris Barnes and Charlotte Baker, write about the impact of Re H-N and K v K on private law cases where there are allegations of domestic abuse.

To read the article in full click here.


Mani Basi writes for the Law Society Gazette.

In an article for the June edition of the Law Society Gazette, Mani Basi writes about the role of the ‘Qualified Legal Representative’ in family law cases.

To read the article in full click here.


4PB Pupils to take Tenancy at 4PB in October 2023

4PB are delighted to announce our 2022/ 23 Pupil Cohort, Nadia Campbell Brunton, Kieran Ball and Alex Halliday, have all been offered tenancy, upon the successful completion of pupillage, starting 1st October 2023.

Congratulations to our Pupil Barristers, taking us to a total member count of 90.


Mani Singh Basi writes for Today’s Family Lawyer

Mani Singh Basi writes for Today’s Family Lawyer, providing ‘a practical guide for stranded spouses’.

Read the article in full here.