
Re A & L (Children) [2013]

Andrew Powell represented the same sex applicants Re A & L (Children) [2013] EWHC 2328 (Fam) (instructed by Dawson Cornwell) before Mrs Justice Theis.

The case concerned a same sex couple who sought parental orders where the surrogate was acting altruistically in California.  The court took the view that in such circumstances it needed to adopt a more holistic approach in scrutinising the wider payments in the case, which also included payments made to the surrogacy agency.


Alex Verdan QC, Jacqueline Renton and Michael Gration represent Children and Families Across Borders in the Supreme Court

On Monday 24th July the UK Supreme Court heard the appeal in the matter of Re ZA [2012] EWCA Civ 1396. Children and Families Across Borders (of which Teertha Gupta QC is a trustee) intervened in the appeal, instructing Alex, Jacqueline and Michael (who appeared pro bono) through Simon Bruce and Josephine Fay of Farrer and Co LLP. A note of the arguments raised on behalf of the charity, together with the areas of discussion during the hearing, has been prepared and can be read here.


Jordans Family Law Awards

We are delighted to announce that 4PB has been shortlisted for the Family Chambers of the year. Also a record breaking six of our barristers have been shortlisted for awards across the all the eligible categories.


Brian Jubb joins 4PB

Chambers are delighted to announce that Brian Jubb previously of Renaissance Chambers has joined 4PB.  Mr Jubb has a wealth of experience in all areas of family law.


Court of Appeal Judgment in Redcar v B [2013]

The Court of Appeal gave its reserved judgment today in Redcar v B [2013] EWCA 964. This is an important case dealing with the LA’s liability to make financial payments to family carers under s 20 and 22 Children act 1989. Jonathan Cohen QC acted for the successful LA.


Jo Delahunty QC intructed in Hillsborough Inquest

Jo Delahunty QC has been instructed by Birnberg’s to act for a group of bereaved families in the Hillsborough Inquest.