
Katharine Bundell writes for ThoughtsLeaders4 FIRE

In an article for ThoughtLeaders4 Fire, Katharine Bundell provides an insightful perspective on Crypto assets in divorce proceedings.


Charles Hale KC and Nicholas Fairbank comment on Supreme Court ruling.

In an article for STEP Journal Charles Hale KC and Nicholas Fairbank comment on the recent Supreme Court ruling in Pontanina v Pontanin [2024] UKSC 3.


Christopher Hames KC and Pippa Sanger successfully opposed an application to strike out a claim for financial remedies on public policy grounds, representing the client on a pro bono basis.

This was a pre-emptive application by the husband to strike out the wife’s claim for financial remedies pursuant to public policy principles on the basis of the wife’s alleged bigamy following a 20-year marriage, characterised by abuse and for which there were two children now living with the wife. The husband relied on the Court of Appeal authority of Whiston v Whiston [1995] Fam 198.




The Divorce Surgery wins Family Innovator of the Year at the British Family Law Awards.

We are delighted and proud of our very own Samantha Woodham and Harry Gates who won Family Innovator of the Year with The Divorce Surgery at the inaugural British Family Law Awards 2024.

A full list of the winners can be found here.


Samantha Woodham shortlisted at the Women & Diversity in Law Awards 2024

Congratulations to Samantha Woodham, who has been shortlisted for Innovator of the Year at the Women and Diversity in Law Awards.



Joanne Brown will be appointed to King’s Counsel

Congratulations to Joanne Brown, who will be appointed to King’s Counsel.

Joanne will be formally sworn in at a ceremony later this year, where the Lord Chancellor will present Letters Patent on behalf of His Majesty The King.

Joanne’s appointment will take our total number of silks to 24.