
International Family Law Newsletter

The International Family Law Newsletter is available to download here


Andrew Powell

Andrew Powell’s latest blog from Los Angeles, where he is doing a Pegasus Scholorship, working at a niche law firm in California specialising in surrogacy and fertility law.


Phone Problems

We are currently experiencing some problems with our telephone lines.  If you need to contact us please use 0207 583 0816 or email clerks@4pb.com.

Engineers are working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.


Care Proceedings involving EU Nationals

The President gave judgment on 14th January 2014 in which he gives important  guidance on issues of jurisdiction and the involvement of Consulate of the Member State of the EU National.  David Williams QC’s commentary on the case can be found on his Blog. The judgment is can be read by clicking here


In the matter of L-C

The Supreme Court has handed down judgment in the Matter of L-C. The judgment provides further clarification in relation to the evaluation of the habitual residence of children and the circumstances in which children should be joined to 1980 Hague Convention proceedings.


Andrew Powell

Andrew Powell started his Pegasus Scholarship last week at a boutique law firm in Los Angeles specialising in surrogacy and fertility law. To follow his blog click here