
Samantha Woodham

We are delighted to announce that Samantha Woodham will be returning to 4PB after her period of maternity leave on 15th September.


World Cup Sweepstake

Congratulations to Justin Ageros who won the 4PB World Cup Sweepstake


Francesca Dowse

We are delighted to announce that Francesca Dowse has joined 4PB. Francesca’s practice encompasses all areas of family law.  She has previously been practising in the Cayman Islands.  To view Francesca’s profile click here


London Legal Walk

We are delighted to be particiapting in the London Legal Walk 2014, raising money for The London Legal Support Trust.  Please do consider sponorsing us.  To donate click here


International Children Seminar

The annual 4PB International Children Seminar will take place on the afternoon of 12th June.  To find out about the seminar and book your place click here


Mini Pupillages

Applications for a mini pupillage in the summer open today, more details here