
Re G (a child) (contact: long term foster care) [2014] EWCA Civ 1173

Cyrus Larizadeh sucessfully represented a father pro bono in the Court of Appeal. He has sought costs against the Respondent Local Authority in favour of the access to justice foundation – there will be a judgment on the issue of pro bono costs in October in this case.


Sports Law

Congratulations to Ruth Kirby, Michael Edwards and Harry Nosworthy who have all been awarded a post-graduate certificate in Sports Law from De Montfort University.


Sophie Connors

We are delighted to announce that Sophie Connors will be returning to practice after her period of maternity leave on 5th August.


Jacqueline Renton

Jacqueline Renton represented the mother in English wardship proceedings which led in turn to the successful enforcement of English return orders in the Russian court  utilising the 1996 Hague Convention for the first time ever. The mother’s 2 children were abducted by the respondent to Russia in December 2012, resulting in their separation from the mother (who has sole residence for all 3 children) and their younger brother. The children were happily returned to this jurisdiction in the care of the Mother in early July 2014. To read the Telegraph article click here


Response to European Commission consultation on BIIR

The 4PB International Child Law Group has submitted a response to the European Commission consultation on BIIR. You can read it here.


Jordan’s Family Law Awards

Congratulations to Henry Setright QC and Michael Edwards who have both been shortlisted for a Family Law Award.  Henry Setright QC has been shortlisted for Family QC of the Year, and Michael Edwards as Family Law Young Barrister of the Year.