
Re A (A Child) 2015

Sally Bradley successfully represented the Local Authority in the recently reported case, Re A (A Child) 2015.


X (Discharge of Care Order)

Chris Barnes represented the Mother in X (Discharge of Care Order)


FRU Complexity Certificate & Guidance

The Financial Remedies Unit at CFC has issued guidance in respect of cases which will be accepted at the CFC FRU together with a form which needs to be completed.


Re H (Children) [2015] EWCA Civ 583

Kate Branigan QC and Chris Barnes successfully appeared in the Court of Appeal in the case Re H (Children) [2015] EWCA Civ 583


Surrogacy Article

Hassan Khan and Anne Marie Hutchinson OBE of Dawson Cornwell have written and article for Lexis Nexis “Is it time for ‘compensated’ surrogacy arrangements. To read the article click here


The Interrealtionship between Family & Immigration Law

David Williams QC and Ruth Kirby will be speaking at a seminar with Blake Morgan LLP examining the crossover of the family and immigration jurisdictions.