[2019] UKSC 49
Henry Setright KC
Mark Jarman KC
Michael Gration KC
Teertha Gupta KC
Jacqueline Renton KC
Christopher Hames KC
Michael Edwards
Charlotte Baker
Supreme Court
Practice Areas
The UKSC has handed down judgment In the matter of Re NY (A Child) , an important decision clarifying the High Court’s powers under the inherent jurisdiction to order the summary return of children.
Henry Setright QC, Mark Jarman and Michael Gration represented the respondent. They successfully argued that the inherent jurisdiction remained available to applicants seeking summary return both generally, and in circumstances where for technical reasons a 1980 Hague Convention application had been refused.
Teertha Gupta QC and Jacqueline Renton represented the intervener, Reunite and Christopher Hames QC, Michael Edwards and Charlotte Baker represented the intervener, The International Centre for Family Law, Policy and Practice (ICFLPP). The interveners supported the respondent on the point of principle engaged in the appeal.
To read the full judgment, please click here.