[2021] EWHC 741 (Fam)



Ceri White
Andrew Powell
Alison Grief KC
Rebecca Foulkes
Harry Langford

Practice Areas

Private Children Law

The case concerned a declaration sought by XY’s parents that they could lawfully consent to the prescription and administration of puberty blockers.

Ceri White represented AB, the mother of XY, and was led by David Lock QC of Landmark Chambers.

Andrew Powell represented University College London NHS Foundation Trust and was led by John McKendrick QC of Outer Temple Chambers.

Alison Grief QC, Rebecca Foulkes and Harry Langford represented the young person, XY.

The High Court held that the parents’ right to consent to treatment on behalf of the child continues even when the child is Gillick competent to make the decision, save where the parents are seeking to override the decision of the child.

To read the judgment, please click here. 


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