Rex maintains a broad family practice with an emphasis on complex, multi-issue care, private law and financial cases.


Year of Call: 1991
Year of Silk: 2011


Arbitrator (CIArb) [children and financial remedies]
Early Neutral Evaluator and private FDR judge


Charterhouse School (1974-1979)
University of Sussex (Biochemistry) (1979-1982)
Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth (1982)
Polytechic of Central London: Diploma in Law (1989)
Bar Finals (1991)


FA Safeguarding Panel


Rex enjoys a broad family practice. He has most recently gained a strong following and reputation as a care practitioner but this has not detracted from his core skills as both a financial remedies and private law children specialist. He particularly enjoys cases with either an international element, such as relocation cases, or legally or factually complicated ones which require an eye for detail and careful analysis.

Rex also practices in civil work, particularly those areas which can loosely be considered to have a family or financial element to them, such as trusts, wills, probate, bankruptcy and company law.
Rex prides himself on being hardworking and thorough with a keen awareness for the need for careful strategic and tactical planning. His catch phrase is “careful planning prevents a poor performance”. He is well liked by solicitors and respected for his strong people skills. He believes that a robust sense of humour and re-assuring manner are vital tools in any family case.
In Young v Young, Rex received praise from J Moor: “I also wish to pay tribute to Mr Howling QC and Miss Johal who have appeared on behalf of the Wife, ably supported by their instructing solicitors. This case has been as complex as any this Division has ever encountered. They took on the case at the last minute yet have managed to become completely conversant with the huge volume of paperwork. The case was presented to me with great ability. Nothing more could have been said or done on their client’s behalf.”

Public Law Children

Rex enjoys complex, multi issue care cases ranging from those focusing on FII and sexual abuse through to cases with an international element. He regularly represents local authors, with and without juniors, both in court and in an advisory capacity. He also represents parents and intervenors from across a broad range of social backgrounds. Rex has completed a number of reports, as a court appointed expert, in cases with an overseas adoption element and has appeared in a number of high profile, sensitive inquests. Rex has been reported in many first instance and appeal cases. Recent examples include A Local Authority v A Mother and Others [2024] EWFC 177, in which Rex represented the mother, Lancashire County Council v M and others (Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Board Intervening) [2022] EWHC 2900 (Fam) [2023] 2FLR 186, in which Rex again represented the mother, and WSCC V Mother and others [2024] EWFC 147 (B), in which Rex represented the father. Rex is also happy to represent children, particularly when there is a real risk of them having to give evidence.

Private Law Children

Rex prides himself on quickly building trusting and effective relationships with parents, particularly those who may be considered by others to be challenging. Rex aims to deploy the required balance of humour, experience and tact to achieve the outcome desired by each client, whilst at the same time keeping to the bounds of what is achievable. This requires careful and proactive management of each client’s expectations. Rex enjoys relocation cases, either international or internal, and situations in which one parent considers themselves to have been alienated. Rex finds the challenges of fact finding hearings particularly rewarding. Over the years, Rex has been reported in a broad spectrum of private law cases.

Financial Remedies

Rex has led in a number of high profile money cases. He appears in cases at all levels of the family court and has built a solid following. In Young v Young, Rex received praise from J Moor who stated: “I also wish to pay tribute to Mr Howling QC and Miss Johal who have appeared on behalf of the Wife, ably supported by their instructing solicitors. This case has been as complex as any this Division has ever encountered. They took on the case at the last minute yet have managed to become completely conversant with the huge volume of paperwork. The case was presented to me with great ability. Nothing more could have been said or done on their client’s behalf.”
Rex enjoys cases which cross into other legal disciplines, for example bankruptcy, trusts, wills, probate and company law. Rex was recently reported, acting for the wife, in Maxine Reid-Roberts and another (the joint trustees in bankruptcy of the Insolvent Estate of Audun Mar Gudmundsson v Mei-Lei and another [2024] EWHC 759 (Ch), [2024] All ER (D) 48.

Direct Access

Rex is head of the direct access group in chambers. He accepts direct access instructions in private law children and financial remedies casesand has also undertaken a few inquests on a similar basis. Rex believes that each direct client deserves a Rolls Royce service and aims to provide a bespoke approach to meet the individual needs of each client and their case.

Professional Memberships

Bar Yacht Club
Middle Temple


Recommended as a Children Law Leading New Silk in The Legal 500 2011

[2016] EWCA Civ 1332
[2015] EWCA Civ 162
[2014] EWCA Civ 1775
[2014] EWCA Civ 1674
[2014] EWCA Civ 1775
[2013] EWHC 4048 (Fam)
[2012] EWHC 1924 (fam)
[2011] EWCA Civ 1795
[2010] EWCA Civ 1535
[2007] EWHC 544 (Fam) ; (2007) 1 WLR 2531 : (2007) 2 FLR 326 : Times, April 20, 2007; AC9901177
[2005] EWCA Civ 649
[2004] 1 FLR 1195