4PB is at the forefront of cases involving modern families which are created outwith conventional family structures.

That includes all situations involving the legal recognition of alternative families and related issues, such as:

  • Surrogacy arrangements, both in the UK and abroad
  • Adoption, both in the UK and abroad
  • Donor conception
  • Declarations of parentage
  • Issues arising from errors made in fertility clinics
  • Cases involving transgender children, transgender parents, including how they are identified on birth certificates
  • Cases concerning the involvement and / or recognition of more than two parents

Our barristers have been instructed in some of the groundbreaking cases which have served to pave the way for the recognition of modern families in the UK. They are empathetic, creative and skilled at assisting families navigate a difficult and sometimes, unexpected, process.

Our Practice Management team is renowned for its excellent standards of service, whilst remaining friendly and approachable. For more specific information about how we can help in your particular case, including in relation to fees, please contact the practice managers on 0207 427 5200.