Radicalisation in the Family Courts: Part 2 : Practicalities and Pitfalls

30th March 2016

This is the second in a series of articles considering the impact of radicalisation and extremism on practice in the family courts. Part 1 was published in February [2016] Fam Law 183.

In this article we turn to consider the guidance provided by Hayden J in and some of the specific practical challenges likely to been countered – Police co-operation and disclosure, publicity and reporting issues and the procedure for electronic tagging.

The importance of a familiarity with the guidance provided by decided cases is heightened by the direction on allocation provided by the President in the President’s Guidance: Radicalisation cases in the Family Courts [2015 ] Fam Law 1527 which, for the time being, means all such cases will be heard by full-time judges of the Family Division.

To read the full article click here


Jo Delahunty KC
Chris Barnes