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Direct Access


Gray’s Inn Prince of Wales Scholarship
BPP BPTC Excellence Award
Gray’s Inn CPE Award


Year of Call: 2015


Chartered Accountant (ACA)


BPP Law School
University of Cambridge – MAst Mathematics
Trinity College Dublin – BA(Hons) Mathematics


Pippa practises in financial remedies, TLATA, and private children law at all levels of the Family Court.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Pippa worked as a forensic accountant at KPMG. This provided her with a broad range of experience of financial matters from multi-jurisdictional asset tracing to analysis of complex financial transactions. She qualified as a chartered accountant in 2013 and retains her membership of the ICAEW. As a result of these expertise, Pippa has been instructed on cases involving expert accountancy or valuation evidence, multi-jurisdictional assets, complex tax issues, non-disclosure and enforcement. She has been led by Charles Hale KC on a number of such cases in the High Court and within arbitration. Pippa has an enviable record successfully applying for or opposing applications for expert accountancy evidence. She has had further success on a number of committal applications within financial remedy proceedings following non-compliance with court orders.

Pippa has an interest in cases relating to ‘non-marriage’, void and voidable marriages, and the cross-over with financial remedies. She was recently led by Christopher Hames KC in PF v QF [2024] EWFC 10(B), successfully opposing a husband’s application to strike out the wife’s financial remedy claim based on her alleged bigamy that rendered the marriage void.

Pippa is regularly instructed in a range of children work with issues involving domestic abuse, substance misuse, mental health and intractable opposition to contact. Pippa is a co-editor of leading textbook Rayden & Jackson on Divorce and Family Matters having authored the section relating to procedure in children law cases. She has assisted in expert witness training at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Pippa was instructed as part of the 4PB team that worked on the investigation by IICSA into sexual abuse allegations against Lord Janner.

Pippa provides joint advice to separating couples as part of the Divorce Surgery.

Pippa is a member of chamber’s Financial Remedy Practice Group committee. She is interested in supporting other juniors within this field and runs a training day for pupils as well as an annual essay competition for students. Pippa acts as a mentor through Gray’s Inn.

In her spare time Pippa enjoys cooking, travel, tennis and yoga. She lives in South East London with her children.

Professional Memberships

Gray’s Inn
Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW)